Monday, February 25, 2013

"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions". Naguib Mahfouz

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"Part of your heritage in this society is the opportunity to become financially independent." -- Jim Rohn

Monday, February 18, 2013

Build Up Your Self Confidence

Our vulnerability to fear is in opposite proportion to our feeling of self worth.

If you have little self regard and consider yourselves to be worthless and of little value you will be enormously fearful.

On the other hand, if you are genuinely self confident you are less likely to be fearful. If you know that you have dealt effectively with problems in the past you are likely to have self confidence in your ability to deal with new problems.

You have probably acquired your feelings of inadequacy, because the people around you have made you feel inadequate and worthless.

Therefore in order to build up your self confidence you must replace negative, damaging feelings of failure, incompetence and unworthiness with positive feelings of success.

Let’s look at some workable ways in which you can boost your self confidence and eliminate your feelings of inadequacy.

First sit down with a piece of paper and a pencil and write down all the good things you can think of to say about yourself. Imagine that you are preparing a marketing campaign for yourself. This is where you will promote all your good points. You are trying to sell yourself to the world, though really you selling yourself to yourself.

I know that if you are shy and lacking in self confidence you may feel that it is going to be a daunting task. If you feel you are not ready to do it on your own, ask a friend that you trust to sit with you, they always say a job shared is a job halved. Create a list of words between you here is a few to start you of, honest, generous, thoughtful, hard-working, punctual, careful, considerate, moral, kind, ambitious, creative there lots just get your thinking hat on. Write down every good word that you think of, and then go through the list and tick of the ones that you honestly believe apply to yourself.

Read your `advertisement' every day to improve your self-image.

Stop seeing yourself as a failure, substitute your negative thinking with some positive images. You have to learn to see yourself as a success.

Now make a list of all the things you hold dear to you, not things you own but a list of all the intangibles in your life. If your married this would be your partner, your children, plus your integrity, your friends, your interests, your knowledge, your accomplishments and your good memories. These are the real treasures in your life. Next write down all the things for which you are grateful. When you look at your lists you may be surprised to find how many things there are that you can be proud about. These are your blessings.

Write down your top twenty memories, the magical times in your life when you felt at your happiest and calmest. Keep the list somewhere safe and look at it regularly. Keep your lists up dated adding new special memories to your Top Twenty lists as they occur.

Some fears aren't always easy to identify or isolate. If you have a problem which you want to identify try asking yourself `Why?'. That one word is the key to understanding (and overcoming) fear.

So, for example, if you feel `angry' and suspect that your anger may be caused by underlying fear ask yourself: `Why?' And keep asking `why?' until you get some answers.

Fear of the unknown is a powerful driving force. But you can derail this particular fear by always asking yourself. What is the worst thing that can happen in this situation? You will often be surprised to find that the worst really isn't all that bad. Once you know the worst you can make plans accordingly, my mother used to say “Fear comes knocking on the door, Faith answers it and there is no one there”.

My fear was of failure though I sometimes think it is fear of success, two sides of the same coin. How many times have you been on the verge of success and then you have sabotaged yourself, I’ve done it lots of times and in this moment in time I’m finishing my first book and once again the cold icy fingers of the fear of failure is creeping up on me, however I’ve made a plan and put it into action. My plan is written down and it’s now only one month to my book being published each day, I’m facing my fear and doing it anyway. My book may be a success who knows but I’ll have looked fear in the face and know I had nothing to fear but fear it’s self

Fear likes to keep us busy, we do jobs we don’t like because we’re frightened of what might happen if we leave. Fears keep people in relationships which have no future. Fear destroys courage and initiative. Fear of the unknown is one of society's ways of keeping us under control.

Spend As Much Time As You Can With Positive People

Don't spend time with people who are always criticising you, putting you down or looking on the gloomy side of life. Make every effort to make new friends out of people you admire. What's the worst that can happen? a negative response. What's the best that can happen? a great new friend.

Spend time with people who support and encourage you. Don’t put up with people who put you down? Keep away from them. Don't bother to share your life with them unless, of course, they change. Write positive quotes in your diary. Use inspirational books and tapes. Spend the first twenty minutes of your day doing something positive this will set you up for the day. Limit the amount of negative TV you watch, keep up with what is going on in the world by reading a once-a-week news magazine.
Remember that if you send out positive thoughts, you will get positive thoughts back.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Remember Your Offline Advertising

Remember your online advertising. A lot of online based businesses forget
About offline advertising. It is important to combine offline and online
advertising together in your marketing campaign. You can market offline
more effectively by targeting people that actually have access to the
internet. In all your advertising you want to include your web site address, e-mail or
auto responder addresses, and the e-mail address to subscribe to your
e-zine. Below are 10 offline marketing ideas:

1. Place classified or full page ads in print publications. The print
Publications should be computer or internet related.

2. Post flyers in stores. They could be computer stores, software stores,
libraries etc.

3. Buy mailing lists and send direct mail. You should make sure that all
the people on the mailing list are internet users.

4. Buy commercial time on T.V. They can be during shows that are targeted
toward internet users.

5. Pass out your CD-ROM or diskette business cards at special events. It
could be at trade shows, seminars, fairs, etc.

6. Set up a deal with another business that targets internet users. Pay the
business to insert your business ads in their product packages.

7. Hold a free offline class and teach people how to use their computer or
how to use the internet. You could have your web site on display as an

8. Do co-op mailings with other businesses. They should also be targeting
people with internet access.

9. Give away free mouse pads. Put your advertising on the mouse pads and give
them away at computer or internet events.

10. Advertise in card decks. The card deck you advertise in should be targeted
toward internet users.

You would also want to target your offline advertising to groups of people
that will actually be interested in your product or service. If you're
selling business books, you will want to market to business owners. In
conclusion, if you have a business that's only based online, you don't want
to market to people that don't have access to the internet.

Thanks for your time today,

We appreciate you and we'll see you again soon.
Have a fantastic day!

To Your Success,

Rosalie and James

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Keep Your Profits Moving - 10 Ideas.

1. Sell more back end products to your existing customer base.
You already created rapport, trust and proved your credibility to them.

2. Make it a practice to up sell to new and existing customers. After
they decide to buy one product, offer them another product.

3. Cross promote your products and services with other businesses that
aren't competition. You will reach a wider audience at less cost.

4. Create joint venture deals with other businesses. You can expand your
product line and target other profitable markets at a lower cost.

5. Start an affiliate program for your business. You will be able to spend
less profits on risk advertising and spend more money on guaranteed sales.

6. Trade advertising with other businesses to save revenue. You could trade
e-zine ads, banners ads, links, print ads, etc.

7. Out source part of your workload. This can save on employee costs,
equipment costs, taxation costs, expansion costs, etc.

8. Add low cost bonuses to your offer that have a high perceived value. It
could be e-books, members only sites, consulting, e-reports, etc.

9. Use viral marketing to promote your business on the internet. Give away
free stuff with your ad copy include on it so others can give it away.

10. Follow up with all your prospects. You can use a free e-zine, a
follow-up auto responder, an update or reminder list, etc.

Thanks for your time today,

We appreciate you and we'll see you again soon.
Have a fantastic day!

To Your Success.
Rosalie and James

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How to Get a Head Start and Achieve Business Success

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hi glad to see you’ve made it here,

Grab a cup of coffee, put your feet up and spend the next 10 minutes or so having a look round our site, visit our home business blog or send me an email, the choice is yours.

I’m not going to tell you that we make millions on the internet, why?  because it would not be true. Our aim is to guide and inform, you have to make informed decisions to succeed in business. We have made several moves into the online world of business and yes things are starting to work.

Over the last 25 years we have helped many small businesses to start-up and then help them to grow into successful companies. Too many times people start up in business online or offline with little or no knowledge of what they should do. To help these people was a pleasure, working with the Prince’s Trust was a fantastic opportunity to work with young people,and working as an independent adviser with Business Link gave us the chance to broaden out into helping people from all walks of life, young and mature male and female.

There are many advantages to starting an online business from home. The possibility of working from the comfort of your own home alone is enough for many people to seriously look at this remarkable alternative.

The earning potential of an online business is unrivalled. You can create thousands, if not millions, of pounds, however, you must have right products, the right business, the proper techniques, a winning attitude and not to forget stamina as it is very rare that any business is an overnight success.

However, many people are hesitant to start an online business from home. One of the main reasons for this is fear. The amount of negative information out there is neither “all right nor wrong ,” there’s always good and bad news in what-ever you choose to do, this is one of the things you have to understand.

It is important to do your research if you think it could be a scam, visit Google and make a search for online scams you will be surprised at the amount of pages it will bring up. Just take a minute or two to look into your spam folder, at the time of writing this I had 253 emails in my spam folder many where get rich quick schemes, some requests for money i.e. you’ve won the lottery or send me your bank info as I’ve money to share Nigerian in origin and not to forget p*n*s enlargement to name just a few.

However, I’m sure the main reason that people are not starting an online business from home is the lack of knowledge and training many people simply do not understand how to start their own online business.

The First Thing You Need To Learn
Before you even think about making money online, you have to understand the basic rule of business – any business for that matter, whether offline or on the internet.
If you don’t understand one thing about the skills and knowledge required in operating your own online business, you need to educate yourself, visit forums, look, listen  ask questions and learn as much as you can. One thing you don’t do is jump into the first thing you come across, and always read the small print.

A free website might seem a fantastic deal but take a further look, if they have a forum take a look to see what other people are saying, are all the website the same selling the same thing, are people making any money. They will be saying in the forums if they are not and do you have to join other schemes via your website which can be costly whilst not making you money plus if you don’t join them does the person who made your website gets the commission if someone joins via your link

Do You Have The Right Attitude?

Approaching your online business with a negative attitude will lead to nowhere. If you start believing it can’t be done, you’ll never be able to do it.
Yes, it can be done. You can earn a living online, just like how thousands of people are presently accomplishing each and every day!.

Ok you’ve done your research, you’ve made your mind up and you’ve learnt a lot, now it’s time to take action. The results of your offline or online venture will be entirely dependent upon you.

If you haven't already done so, please start off by subscribing to our
Free Tips and Advice Newsletter. This newsletter is free and it is easy to unsubscribe with a single click if you decide its not for you.  I'll email you our Tips,Advice and much more on a regular basis.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Do you Have a Problem with Self Confidence?
Self esteem affects your confidence, how important is that? If you want to rise to any challenge you must believe in yourself. Without confidence in what you can do and in who you are what chance do you have of happiness or success?

So what is Self Esteem ?

Self esteem is your opinion of yourself. High self esteem is a good opinion of yourself, and low self esteem is a bad opinion of yourself.

The Importance of Self Esteem
Self esteem is essential and is a cornerstone of a positive attitude towards living. It is very important because it affects how you think, act and even how you relate to other people. It allows you to live life to your potential. Low self esteem means poor confidence and that also causes negative thoughts, which in turn means that you are likely to give up more easily rather than face challenges. In addition, it has a direct bearing on your happiness and wellbeing.

You may well be asking. Why should self esteem matter to me?

I believe self esteem is central to everything we do. It affects your behaviour and thoughts. It changes how you feel about and value yourself, can you imagine anything else so important?

These are some of the reasons I believe why your self esteem needs to be high. High self esteem can be the difference between success and failure, it can affect your thinking causing your outlook to be positive or negative. It affects your confidence, your self image and if you don’t value yourself how will you be able to value others?

Self esteem enables you to have the right attitude to succeed at work.

It also affects your happiness, now what do I mean by that?

Your capability to achieve what you most desire is directly related to your self esteem. Whilst on the other hand, failure is much more likely when you suffer from low self esteem because you will believe others when they tell you why you cannot succeed.

At some time in our life’s most of us have carried around self doubts that have limited our potential. We have doubts on how capable we will be at performing a new job. We are uncertain as to whether we can keep our lover interested, or we have reservation whether we're smart enough to finish that university program. Whatever the case may be, this is where you have to look at your options, a choice needs to be made. You can either let your self doubts control your actions, or you can work through them by improving the things you can change and by accepting those you can't.

We are all capable of removing the negative layers and replacing them with positive ones. Only then can we start working on the most important relationship we'll ever have, the relationship with yourself, it’s important to learn how to value yourself, your ability and your contribution in the world because you are unique.

You have to understand that you cannot value and respect others unless you first value and respect yourself. We also have to learn the art of loving yourself, increase your confidence and fell better about yourself. When you look in the mirror look past the image you first see you are more than that. We all have things about our appearance that we don’t like but do you realise that other people looking at us will see something different.

Self image is another significant part of how you feel about yourself. Low self esteem means that you will have a poor image of yourself and this will result in a loss of confidence. Your social skills will also suffer and you will find it harder to socialise because others will respond negatively to your lack of confidence. You need to see and understand that there are lots of good reasons to feel positive about yourself.

Remember That:

You must learn and understand that you, and only you must believe in yourself. You have to give yourself the credit you deserve for the succesful things that you have done in the past, the succesful things you are doing in the present and the succesful things you know you can and will do in the future.

An important part of  lifting and keeping your  self esteem is by making the commitment to learn something new. Attending  motivational seminars or read a book that will inspire you. There are lots of books and tapes that can help move you forward with your life. By making self development part and parcel of your life you will improve and retain you self esteem and be confident about the present and the future.

Monday, February 4, 2013

How to Get a Head Start and Achieve Business Success

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Get Moving Now!

Hello all,

Running a business is tiring, time-consuming, and often frustrating. It's not uncommon for the "Entrepreneurial Light" to burn out. However, if you're not excited about your products or services, no one else is going to be. And, who wants to buy product/service they're not enthusiastic about? Quick tips for regaining your passion:

1) Write down all the reasons you love your products or services

2) Tell others the story of why you became an entrepreneur

3) Imagine what you want your business to look like in 5 year, seven if it's unrealistic... perhaps especially if it's unrealistic

4) Read inspirational books, blogs, and articles about small business ownership

5) Take time to rejuvenate May all your failures be lessons learned,and your successes runaway hits!

Thats all for now folks Rosalie Kelly.